The Sunset Script is the fifth and final poetry book from The MINDS poetry book series. If I were to describe what this book is about in succinct terms, I would say this book is about coming to the end of a journey. It is a book that is meant to address the topic of closure whether it is death, hitting rock-bottom or simply completing a chapter in the journey of life.
Omnipresent Omnibus: The Complete MINDS Poetry Collection
Prisoner of Castigation
Fall of the Elders

Omnipresent Omnibus: A Note from the Author
Background info and tidbits about the poetry book, Omnipresent Omnibus: The Complete MINDS Poetry Collection.

Prisoner of Castigation: A Note from the Author
Background info and tidbits about the novel, Prisoner of Castigation.

Aftermath: A Note from the Author
Background info and tidbits about the short poetry book, Aftermath.

Fall of the Elders: A Note from the Author
Background info and tidbits about the short story collection, Fall of the Elders.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
The Sunset Script: A Note From the Author
The Sunset Script is the fifth and final poetry book from The MINDS poetry book series. If I were to describe what this book is about in succinct terms, I would say this book is about coming to the end of a journey. It is a book that is meant to address the topic of closure whether it is death, hitting rock-bottom or simply completing a chapter in the journey of life.
The Noon Notices: A Note From the Author
Monday, August 18, 2014
Double Book Release
I have already revealed this tidbit of information on Instagram but now it is time to make a formal post about it. I am releasing my final two poetry books The Noon Notices and The Sunset Script on Saturday, August 23rd. I will also make my Note From the Author post on both books as soon as they go live.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Post Round-Up 3
I have been away from this blog for a while but not without doing a lot of work. Now today I am back and with that comes the news that I am nearing the final stages of publishing not one but two new books. The books are the final 2 poetry books of The MINDS series and they will be titled The Noon Notices and The Sunset Script.
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